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Monthly Archives: September 2014

Why are professionals using Twitter

“What are you doing?” –That is the question Twitter account holders try to answer with a message that is 140 characters or less. But, Twitter has since evolved to become more than a text-based platform and the response could include photos, videos, and web links. Tweets started out as a means of sharing and connecting with friends. Now, it has become a legitimate marketing and promotional platform where products and services are showcased for exposure to a global audience. Twitter friends or “followers” have the power to choose whose feeds they want to appear on their home page. Since all sorts of information can be shared and posted on Twitter, professionals who want to expand their horizons can use Twitter to help them achieve their career goals.

Here are the top five reasons why professionals have taken to Twitter, and why you should consider doing the same.

1. Twitter offers numerous opportunities to socialize with industry peers

Building a network of industry contacts is an essential part of the life of a professional. Expanding one’s professional reach by linking with industry peers is now widely practiced on Twitter. Even organizations are maintaining “official” Twitter accounts to bring together members and invite more professionals to join the fray. Twitter can also be a mean of connecting with the most influential people. It pays to follow key players of the industry that are also maintaining Twitter accounts. One of the main benefits of establishing more professional connections is the development of collaborative networks, which increases possibilities for project and research collaborations. Twitter is a great platform for exchanging ideas, and professionals can take advantage of the tools it provides them to advance their skills and the profession where they belong.

professionals use twitter 2. Twitter is a great means of keeping up with with news relevant to the profession

Twitter can be used to share findings with one’s professional community, and many professionals and professional organizations are already doing so. Feeds can be read as they are posted, which makes this micro-blogging platform the best resource when it comes to getting updates and announcements on current and upcoming meetings, events and conferences. Professional gathering can even have live tweeting so that those who are unable to attend physically can still get important information and even give their feedback and insights on the topics being discussed.

3. Twitter provides information and real-time updates on available jobs

Micro-blogging is not only for students and teenagers who want to share with their followers what music they are listening to, or what they thought of the latest Hollywood franchise. It is also a place where employers are already putting out advertisements and regularly posting job-hiring announcements. A few months ago, the United States National Security Agency (NSA) recruitment office posted an encrypted tweet, which stated: “tpfccdlfdtte pcaccplircdt dklpcfrp?qeiq lhpqlipqeodf gpwafopwprti izxndkiqpkii krirrifcapnc dxkdciqcafmd vkfpcadf.” Twitter users replied with the decryption, which was “Want to know what it takes to work at NSA? Check back each month to explore careers essential to protect in your nation.” An agency representative confirmed the agency’s use of Twitter as a means of making career opportunities known to the public, in the hopes of attracting the brightest code makers and code breakers to consider working for the NSA. The NSA is not the only employer that tweets about needing recruits, although they are the only ones to do so in code.

4. Twitter is a free self-promotion tool

The best thing about Twitter is that it can be used for promotional purposes for free. A professional must be able to send word about about his or her services to his/her followers, and what better (and more economical way to do so) than social media? With the smart use of #hashtags, marketing campaigns can reach millions of people. A professional’s following can increase by 1000 Twitter followers overnight if all of Twitter’s features are maximized.

5. Twitter puts professionals in direct contact with potential clients

The most obvious reason why a huge number of professionals are taking to Twitter is the fact that their potential clients and their competitors as well are already using Twitter. Communicating directly with potential clients had never been easier. A professional need not spend a fortune establishing good public relations and demonstrating excellent customer service.

Do you use Twitter to promote your professional services or business?

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter..@socialmedia04

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